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The $80 Million Qubit Hack Likely the Work of North Korea-linked Cybercriminals

Qubit was a South Korea-based DeFi lending protocol built on the BNB chain. Qubit also ran an associated protocol, the…

How US Crypto Regulations Impact Institutional Adoption of Digital Assets: Podcast Ep. 54

Episode 54 of the Public Key podcast is here! USA crypto regulatory conversations are gearing up, and we get to…

Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades Announces End of Cryptocurrency Donation Efforts

Today, the Al-Qassam Brigades (AQB) announced the shutdown of their longstanding cryptocurrency donation program. AQB is the military wing of…

Bitcoin in War: OP_RETURN Callouts of Russian Military Bitcoin Addresses Point to Blockchains’ Growing Role in Geopolitical Conflict

The intersection of cryptocurrency and geopolitical conflict has been a growing topic over the last year. From nation state ransomware…

Building Trust and Safety in the Cryptocurrency Threat Landscape: Podcast Ep. 53

Episode 53 of the Public Key podcast is here! With pig butchering and other crypto-related scams plaguing the industry, we…

DPRK Facilitators Charged and Sanctioned, Shedding Light on North Korean Crypto Money Laundering Processes

On April 24, 2023, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three individuals operating…


2023年4月24日、米国財務省外国資産管理局(Office of Foreign Assets Control :OFAC)は、北朝鮮の大量破壊兵器やミサイルへの資金供与に関わるマネーロンダリングに関与し、中国で活動していた3名を経済制裁の対象に指定しました。制裁対象となった3名のうち、制裁対象リストに暗号資産アドレスが含まれるのは2名です。また、米国法務省(Department of Justice: DOJ)は、そのうちの1名を同日公開された訴状にて起訴しました。 本ブログ記事では、3名の被疑者と制裁措置の詳細について説明し、北朝鮮による暗号資産のマネーロンダリングのプロセスについての新たな情報を取り上げます。 告訴及び制裁措置の対象となったのは何者か? OFACによって経済制裁の対象となったのは、Wu Huihui(Wu)、Cheng Hung Man(Cheng)、Sim Hyon Sop(Sim)の3名です。このうち、Simはマネーロンダリングの疑いで、DOJに起訴されています。 Wuは、中国で活動する暗号資産OTC(相対取引)トレーダーであり、北朝鮮のサイバー犯罪組織であるLazarus Groupと活動する北朝鮮のアクターのために、窃取された数百万ドル相当の暗号資産を法定通貨に換えていました。 Chengは、香港で活動するOTCトレーダーで、Wuの活動に直接協力していました。ダミー会社を使い、ChengとWuは、北朝鮮が米国の経済制裁をかいくぐり、暗号資産(その多くはハッキングで盗難されたもの)を法定通貨に換えるのを支援しました。…

EU parliament in plenary session

The MiCA Marathon: Are we reaching the finishing line?

Today, the EU Parliament voted to pass MiCA - the first comprehensive, EU-wide rules for crypto asset service providers and different crypto assets (including stablecoins).

Adrienne Harris and Jonathan Levin discuss regulation on stage at the NYC Links conference.

Lessons from Links: How to Safely Grow the Crypto Industry While Fostering Innovation

At our annual Links conferences, we’re privileged to engage some of the best minds in crypto — from regulators to…

Privacy Coins 101: Anonymity-Enhanced Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology has introduced a new era of financial transparency. In a cryptocurrency ecosystem where transactions and wallet balances are…

Reshaping the NFT Ecosystem in the Wake of the 2022 NFT Market Crash and Crypto Storm: Podcast Ep. 52

Episode 52 of the Public Key podcast is here! Are NFTs Dead? It’s the question many have been asking after…

Chinese Chemical Businesses, Latin American Drug Cartel Associates Charged and Sanctioned for Bitcoin-based Sale of Fentanyl Precursors

On April 14, 2023, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned individuals and entities in China and Latin America…

Launching the Western Canada Cryptocurrency Investigations Centre

Partnership between Calgary Police Service and Chainalysis will enable law enforcement action, protect Canadians amid steady crime and explosive growth of crypto

Revolutionizing the EU Payment Gateway With Cryptocurrency: Podcast Ep. 51

Episode 51 of the Public Key podcast is here! How do you solve crypto companies’ access to banking in the…

Abstract graphical representation of a flat world map with brightly colored boxes (indicating organizations) connected by lines across the world

Introduction to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

What is a DAO? Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are blockchain-based communities that are designed to bring a new, more open…

Fraud Shop Genesis Market Shut Down in International Law Enforcement Operation, Sanctioned by OFAC

On April 4, 2023, authorities shut down popular fraud shop Genesis Market and arrested hundreds of its users around the…

Innovation in Sound and Art: The Bang & Olufsen NFT Journey: Podcast Ep. 50

Episode 50 of the Public Key podcast is here! How does an almost 100-year-old company enter into web3? Christoffer Østergaard…

Web3 Marketing for the Next Evolution of Brands on the Blockchain: Podcast Ep. 49

Episode 49 of the Public Key podcast is here! In this episode, we talk with two marketing tech entrepreneurs, Antony…