
Company News

Company News

Wyoming Partners with Chainalysis to Combat Money Laundering and Illicit Digital Asset Activity

Chainalysis, the blockchain analysis company, today announced its partnership with the State of Wyoming’s Division of Banking, the banking regulator…

Company News

Chainalysis’ First Ever Geography of Cryptocurrency Report is Here

We’re excited to announce that our 2020 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report is here! Click here to download now. As cryptocurrency…

Company News

The 2020 Global Crypto Adoption Index: Cryptocurrency is a Global Phenomenon

This blog is an excerpt from the Chainalysis 2020 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report. Click here to download the whole thing!…

Company News

Remittances and Fiat Currency Devaluation Drive Africa’s Growing Cryptocurrency Economy, and Big Exchanges Recognize the Opportunity

This blog is an excerpt from the Chainalysis 2020 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report. Click here to download the whole thing!…

Company News

Chainalysis Partners with Leading Australian Cryptocurrency Businesses

Chainalysis, the blockchain analysis company, today announced partnerships with leading Australia-based payments provider Assembly Payments and cryptocurrency exchanges CoinSpot and…

Company News

Introducing Market Intel: Your Data and Insights Portal for Understanding Cryptocurrency Markets

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our new website: Market Intel. Market Intel uses Chainalysis data to give…

Company News

Chainalysis Debuts Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Certification (CCFC) Training Program

Chainalysis, the blockchain analysis company, today announced the expansion of its certification program with the launch of the Chainalysis Cryptocurrency…

Company News

GOin Commissions Chainalysis to Build Trust in Cryptocurrency for Institutional Investors

Lisez l’annonce en français ici. Chainalysis, the blockchain analysis company, today announced its partnership with GOin, an institutional-grade gateway to…

Company News

GOin noue un partenariat avec Chainalysis pour renforcer la confiance des Investisseurs Institutionnels

Click here to read the announcement in English. Chainalysis, spécialiste de l’analyse de la Blockchain, annonce aujourd’hui son partenariat avec…

Company News

Introducing Investigations & Compliance Support for Privacy Coins Dash and Zcash

We just launched support for two notable cryptocurrencies in Chainalysis Reactor and KYT (Know Your Transaction): Dash and Zcash. As…

Company News

Time to Recommit To Our Values and Take Action

The tragic murder of George Floyd last week– the latest in a long history of violence against unarmed Black Americans–…

Company News

An Update to Our FutureNet Intelligence Brief

Today, we released an updated version of our intelligence brief on the FutureNet Ponzi scheme. Since publishing the original, we…

Company News

Links Virtual Session Recap: Wences Casares on the Case for Cryptocurrency

Wences Casares joined Chainalysis last week for a fireside chat with our CEO Michael Gronager, marking the first session of…

Company News

Introducing Chainalysis Crypto Crime Intelligence Briefs

We’re excited to announce our new series of Crypto Crime Intelligence Briefs! Chainalysis blockchain investigators are constantly identifying new groups…

Company News

Risk Benchmarking for Cryptocurrency Businesses Now Available in Chainalysis Kryptos

One of our core beliefs at Chainalysis is that for cryptocurrency to keep growing, it needs to become safe enough…